[Salon] Clashes Erupt in Jerusalem as Tens of Thousands Join Flag March - Haaretz.com

While I am a regular reader of Haaretz, and appreciate it taking on the Israeli Right, as it generally does, and its writers were most astute in seeing Trumpism/Netanyahuism as indivisible, it still too often reflects Israeli right-wing culture. With “culture” the foundation of any society, but especially a fascist society. Which has the need for constant incitement of war, against the “Enemy,” internal and external (Schmitt’s “Friend-Enemy Distinction," the fundamental ideological orientation of fascism).

That can be seen in this phrasing, not to be too critical: "Before the march began at 4 P.M., Jewish revelers entered the Muslim Quarter, pepper spraying and striking Palestinians, who in turn threw chairs and bottles at the Israelis. One Jewish man was filmed drawing a pistol during the clashes at Damascus Gate.”

"Jewish revelers - pepper spraying and striking Palestinians” and “drawing a pistol.” Sounds like a fascist mob to me, similar to what one would have seen by any fascist paramilitary, in Italy, Germany, Israel, and the US. With our's usually displaying what has become our so-inspiring fascist totem/symbol, the multiple variations of the M-16 military rifle. So favored for a couple decades now of Perpetual War by our militarists for civilian/paramilitary use as "part of our culture” (not my culture though I grew up with hunting firearms of the traditional sort). And favored as well for the consequent militaristically enculturated young men inspired by our wars, and our “Warfighters” (as we now call what we used be satisfied to call soldiers, sailors, Marines, two of which I served with), to kill masses of children (our young militarist’s preferred targets-they are unlikely to shoot back) and other “internal enemies.” 

Not to be missed video in link below, which in one at the beginning can be seen a right-wing Israeli marcher stepping out from the mob to attack an onlooker, before being pulled back. Maybe Yoram Hazony? That would make some folks proud!

So the timing of this had to be a treat for American Conservatives attending this event: https://www.tikvahfund.org.il/eng/conservative-conference,

with this splendid write-up explaining how well the Nietzschean (see recent “positive” biographies) Ayn Rand with her oligarchical favoring economics, fits into a rabidly militaristic society. Just like in the US:  

Given how enthusiastic “Conservatives/National Conservatives” are for the complete transformation of the US into an Israeli style military regime as Hazony calls for (see “Conservatism: A Rediscovery" (2022), it is hard to believe American Conservatives attending the Israeli Conservative Conference would have passed up this opportunity to march triumphantly into Jerusalem, as Trump’s representatives. And displaying their identical cultural idolatry of military control and militarism, keeping us perpetually at war, just like Israeli culture. Whose current ideological “worldview” was formed in large measure by whom Hannah Arendt and Albert Einstein described as a fascist: Likud’s founder). How can one oppose such a “fusionism” of Ayn Rand’s and Menachem Begin’s ideology? 

So I wonder if Yoram Hazony led a column of Claremont favorites Pompeo, Victor Davis Hanson, and Ben Shapiro into the Muslim Quarter in an “in your face” display of Trumpian triumphalism?” Or more fittingly, perhaps this guy did?

Perhaps someone can provide pictures if they were in attendance?

Clashes Erupt in Jerusalem as Tens of Thousands Join Flag March - Haaretz.com

Tens of thousands of right-wing Israelis are taking part in the controversial Jerusalem Day Flag March in the Old City. Last year, the event was a catalyst for the 11-day war between Israel and Gaza militants.

Before the march began at 4 P.M., Jewish revelers entered the Muslim Quarter, pepper spraying and striking Palestinians, who in turn threw chairs and bottles at the Israelis. One Jewish man was filmed drawing a pistol during the clashes at Damascus Gate.

Most shop owners along Hagai Street, one of the main arteries of the Muslim Quarter, shuttered their stores in anticipation of violence. Clashes also erupted in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah.

Clashes in the Old City of Jerusalem ahead of the right-wing Flag March, on Sunday.

Meanwhile, Israeli Air Force fighter jets are flying over the Gaza Strip, preparing for the possibility of militant groups launching a missile from the Strip during the march. Last year, Hamas fired a rocket at Jerusalem during the Flag March, a catalyst for the 11 days of fighting between Israel and Gaza.

Throughout the day, 2,600 Jews ascended the Temple Mount under heavy security protection while Palestinians fortified themselves in the Al-Aqsa Mosque and threw stones.

Young Palestinians barricaded themselves inside Al-Aqsa Mosque, throwing stones and setting off fireworks, according to the police, who said they detained 18 people in the area for disorderly conduct, rioting and assault on police officers or civilians.

Hamas, which has threatened a repeat of last year's rocket salvos if the route through the Old City's Muslim Quarter is not altered, praised the Palestinian "defense" of the mosque.

The Israeli military announced on Saturday that it is beefing up its security presence by the Gaza Strip and preparing the Iron Dome defense system for the possibility that Hamas would launch rockets.

In a fraught afternoon, the police closed Damascus Gate to Palestinians, stating that locals threw stones and bottles at security personnel at the popular gathering spot. Israel Police said they detained three more Palestinians, and medical staff reported that Likud lawmaker Miri Regev's security guard was lightly injured at the scene and is receiving medical treatment.

Meanwhile, Israel Police barred entrance to the compound for Palestinian journalists, all of whom held Israeli government press cards. A police officer at the scene said he was waiting for approval from the director of Islamic Waqf, which administers the holy sites, but the journalists were still not allowed to enter after receiving his permission. For the most part, Palestinian journalists are free to move in and out of the compound without restrictions. In an official response, police cited problems with the journalists' equipment.

Earlier in the morning, the police also halted several buses of Arabs from northern Israel heading to Jerusalem.

The annual right-wing Flag March is expected to pass through Jerusalem's Muslim Quarter on Sunday, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett announced Friday, adding that Jews will not be restricted from visiting the Temple Mount on that day, despite concerns that such a move will inflame tensions.

Far-right lawmaker Itamar Ben-Gvir arrived at the Temple Mount on Sunday, escorted by security, which allowed him to access the site. Last month, Prime Minister Bennett denied Ben Gvir to access Damascus Gate during a Flag March in the Old City, following security recommendations.

However, after the morning tensions and the ascent of 2,600 Jews, Israeli police prevented Jews from entering the Temple Mount, as hundreds waited by the gates to enter the compound.

Addressing the Flag March, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said that flying the Israeli flag in Jerusalem is "natural" in explaining the determination to press on with the march on its regular route. Bennett, however, asked the participants to celebrate "responsibly and respectfully."

Following a situational assessment with district commanders, Israel Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai said that he won't permit "any inciter or rioter" to interfere with the events of the day and to violate law and order: "It’s important in the face of attempts at provocation on the part of rioters that police and troops act responsibly, sensitively and with determination,” he stated.

Shabtai added that his forces are on the highest state of alert around the country to deal with Jerusalem Day and that most of the operational forces of the police are deployed and “prepared for any scenario.” On Saturday, Shabtai announced that some 3,000 police officers are expected to secure the march and three companies were called up from the Border Police reserves, and other reserve forces were placed on alert across the country. Concurrently, 3,000 peopled participate in the Flag March in the mixed Arab-Jewish city of Lod.

Flag March in Lod, Israel on Sunday.
Flag March in Lod, Israel on Sunday.Credit: Ilan Assayag

Palestinian factions in Gaza also issued a further warning to Israel on Sunday ahead of the flag march. In a joint statement, the groups said they warned of "harming Al-Aqsa Mosque." Hamas' political chief Ismail Haniyeh called on Sunday for Palestinians to be "on high alert" and referenced the spate of terror attacks in Israel over the past month.

The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's Office in Ramallah also exhorted Israel to cancel the march, while Ayman Odeh, leader of Israel's predominantly Arab Joint List, accused Israel Police of "attacking funerals, beating up left-wing activists, and helping settlers defile Palestinian flags, allowing the 'Death to the Arabs' parade [referring to the Flag March] to pass through occupied East Jerusalem."

Last year, Hamas fired a barrage of rockets at Jerusalem during the march, instigating an 11-day war between Israel and Gaza's militant factions, which boiled over into interethnic riots throughout the country.

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